Why a Website?

August 4, 2020


I’m very excited to share with you all a new project I have been working on!

Over the years, a number of you have encouraged me to publish my writings and build a personal website. Well, I’ve decided to take you up on both of those things! *drumroll* …

Enter richsbrown3.com!

My purpose for this website? It’s threefold:

  1. To resource the church local and abroad,

  2. To open the door for publishing, speaking, and preaching opportunities, and

  3. To transition my content away from the noisiness of social media to a thinking space that is free from drama and distractions.

But why is such a website important?

Well, consider the following two examples. When you go to a worship service on the Lord’s Day, your desire is to hear the Word of Christ and be nourished by the administration of the sacraments (baptism and communion). This is precious time away from our normal work and we leave feeling spiritually fed as the gospel enlivens our hearts, our faith is fortified, and our relationships strengthened.

Likewise, when you attempt to read a good book, you might sanction yourself in a quiet room to focus intently. Or, if you’re like me, you head over to your favorite coffee shop with AirPods in tow and a chill playlist all queued up, in order to stimulate your senses and think through how you can directly apply what you are taking in.

My point is this: we were made to enjoy God’s creation, as we set our minds upon the things above, where Christ is (Ecclesiastes 9:7–10, Colossians 3:1–4). We were made to live substantive lives. But oftentimes, our enjoyment of God is hindered and our thought processes are captivated by competing pleasures and hurried thoughts.

Anyone who has lived vicariously through social media in 2020, knows just how easily our focus can be lost! We can become frantic and bothered by the sheer overload of information and emotional vexations that appear all over our newsfeeds when we hand over our downtime to such things. We often lose out on the sweetness of real, edifying Conversation between friends when we pursue a different end in itself: Connection.

So, I hope to be an agent of change in this way for our generation.

As I continue to serve and shepherd Christ’s church locally as a pastor, my hope is to be a blessing to you, my friends near and far alike. How? By providing you with a website that will help turn your thoughts heavenward as Glory approaches.

My website will also provide you with ways to stay connected with me and continue in the meaningful conversation of ideas through blogs, papers, and sermons that I have shared, and will continue to share.

And finally, my website will provide you with a place to stay a while and to be refreshed in the midst of a noisy world.

In Christ,



Machen’s Concern for Liberty, pt. 1


On Allies and Confidants